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Donor cells, CFSE, and phenotypic markers were identified as in Fig. 3. (A) Expression of CD44 and CD62L on gated donor cells versus CFSE fluorescence on organs harvested 15 d after influenza virus infection. (B) Kinetics of expression of CCR5 and CD25 at indicated days after influenza infection.
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Conclusions A feature of the epidemiology of dengue in Sri Lanka was the lack of DHF in the early 1980s and the increase in the number of severe dengue cases since 1989, more so after 2000.
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Open in a separate window Figure 3 Assumptions of the model for the treatment of collective predator defence. (A) The relative effect of care on offspring fledging success is the same as by reason of the resource territory model, and is the sum of effects of male and female care. (B) The effect of cooperative predator defence is modelled as a sigmoid function of cumulative investments in the group.
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